At FXLOGOS WE TRAIN traders with a new OBJECTIVE, SIMPLE and ALGORITHMIC way to understand and deal with financial markets, eliminating all theories, subjective patterns and average indicators that everyone teaches. We show you how to operate solely based on PRICE, TIME, PROBABILITIES and MANIPULATION, in other words, through NUMERICAL PROCESSES, which adapt to this new technological era dominated by ALGORITHMS. We are not an ACADEMY that indoctrinates students and locks them in a box of beliefs, strategies or systems based on the same concepts as always.
Our approach is aimed at those who are seriously looking for a professional and lasting business activity in trading, without magic recipes or shortcuts, but real preparation through definitive TRAINING that empowers them to make their own decisions in any financial market. so that they are able to create, systematize and automate their own strategies, adjusting them to their personal, psychological and financial situation, to become entrepreneurs who make their own decisions and not employees who obey what someone else told them they had to do, and so change their lives radically.
Who is Luis Morelos?
Luis Morelos is of Mexican origin, immigrated to the United States looking for a better life. Currently lives in Orlando Florida, has more than 14 years of experience as a Trader, is a real estate investor, and the Creator of Trading With Logic.
He started working as a client advisor in one of the best-known American companies, Market Traders Institute, which offered courses to learn how to operate the Forex Market and also owned a broker. Within the company he became one of the Market analysts for Latin America. Within this business, he learned how the industry is managed from the inside and not how it is presented to the majority from the outside. The great disadvantage that the retail operator has to be able to earn in this activity and how simple banks earn money at the same time Unbeknownst to the retailer due to the distraction, he saw from the inside how the ubiquitous education conditions individuals to be more manipulable, turning them into addicts and lifelong consumers seeking more and more “knowledge.” or the “winning strategy” to reach the end of the rainbow and earn money easily.
In 2011, I started this company with the aim of helping traders understand the real business, to detoxify their minds from the popular ideas that blind them and make them more susceptible to losing, to raise awareness and train them so that they can follow the numerical processes. repetitive that have always been in front of everyone and are the same for all large and small participants, but most people cannot see, the objective of the Training offered by Trading With Logic seeks for people to be able to make their own decisions in any financial market ceasing to depend on the opinions of other people, including those of Luis Morelos himself so that they never have to spend a single dollar on more trading “information” again.